Senate Republican leadership has joined forces with the opposition to thwart Conservative values at least three times this week:

1. Senate majority leader McConnell says “We will be using the spending limits agreed upon a year ago…”(Obama’s budget for 2017). He said that even though 65% of the Senate Republican Conference is opposed.

2. Sen. Corker has sponsored a bill to act on International Slavery. It contains provisions which are problematical for Pro-Life Conservatives who are consulting with pro-life policy experts from the private sector. Regarding Conservative opposition to the present wording of the bill Corker stated publically, “It is bad for Conservatives to consult with outside policy experts…”.
Sen. Murkowski added, “It is not healthy for outside groups to weigh-in on internal discussions.”

3. The Export-Import Bank is currently without a Senate quorum and is limited to make taxpayer guaranteed loans no more than $10M. This is disagreeable to industry giants like Boeing and GE. Conservative Senators are concerned about excessive national debt and are being careful about pushing for a quorum to remove the limit and let the Ex/Im Bank go back to business as usual. Despite Conservative concerns McConnell is pushing for reviving the bank.

Again we see that Republican does not equal Conservative.

[Thanks to TheDailySignal]

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