Socialist/Liberal doctrine is being applied to a spectacular degree by Venezuela’s head man.

They are very low on water. Most of their electricity is produced using the power of moving water. Thus they are low on electricity.

Their Socialist president claims the problem is because of global warming, and sabotage by political opponents. The real reason has been proven to be poor maintenance and management by the government.

The President has asked women to stop blow-drying their hair. He has given the entire nation several days off work to save kilowatts. And now he is going to change the time zone for the whole country to reduce use of electricity (scientific research has shown such moves do nothing to reduce usage.)

This is Liberalism/Socialism at its best (worst). Venezuela is virtually bankrupt and has an inflation rate of more than 800%. After 14 years of Socialist rule the nation is living with rolling blackouts lasting several days, food shortages, and a looming total economic collapse.

In December of 2015 the Socialist administration was voted-out and Conservatives voted-in. But the Socialists don’t plan to comply with the results of the election. They have used the Socialist majority of their Supreme Court to declare the election invalid.

Many American voters are planning to vote for Clinton or Sanders who subscribe to the same ideology as Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s president-who-won’t-leave.

Here’s a video of everyday life in Venezuela today. It shows people trying to get food. . .

Register and vote against Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Communist ideology.



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