Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 14, 2016
A big item on the Liberal/Socialist agenda for the fundamental transformation of America is the redistribution of wealth, also known as the replacement of a free market system.
One important maneuver they are using is a campaign to raise the minimum wage.
As usual,their logic is profoundly fallacious. . .
1. They say so many people earn the minimum wage that raising it would stimulate the entire economy. WRONG! Just 4% of hourly workers earn the MW
2. They say MW workers are poor and need more money. WRONG! 63% of those who would benefit from doubling the MW are members of families that are well-above poverty level. 43% live in households earning more than $50K/year.
3. They say MW workers can’t afford to raise a family. WRONG! MW workers do not have responsibility for raising a family. In 94% of the families where one of the adults works for MW, the other adult earns well-above MW. The very few MW workers who are responsible for raising a family have minimal skills and will be greatly hurt by the loss in MW jobs resulting from doubling the MW.
4. They say forcing an MW raise is the only way MW workers can get a raise. WRONG! Nearly66% of MW workers get a raise within the first year of employment. MW jobs are “entry-level” jobs, “first jobs”, where people with little to no skills can gain experience and begin to move up the wage ladder. A doubling of the MW will destroy this system by raising the skill-level requirement for a MW job.
5. They say no matter how few the poor MW workers who are trying to raise a family might be, the only way they can be helped is by doubling the MW. WRONG! Raising the MW would be the worst thing to happen to a MW worker trying to raise a family. Employers cannot pay higher wages for lower skill levels, so the low-skill worker will be replaced with a higher-skilled person.
[Thanks to Mike Flynn at]Liberal thinking is Pollyanna, disconnected from reality.
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