Liberal Doctrine, which is Hillary’s scripture, allows distorting the truth in defense of “The Cause” (which is The Fundamental Transformation of America). Here is an example from recent news:

Hillary and Bill (NYC mayor Bill de Blasio) are doing “happy talk” during an on-stage event covered by the press.

Hillary thanks Bill for his long-awaited endorsement of her current effort to return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (He was her campaign chairman 16-years ago when she ran for the Senate from NY, a state where she had never resided and only rarely visited… she won!).

Bill offers an excuse for his delayed endorsement, “Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time,”.
[Cultural note: “CP time” is street slang for “colored people time.” It references a racist generalization about the tendency of Blacks to be low-energy and undependable.] A clearly offensive, albeit esoteric, remark.

Now here’s where Hillary instinctively alters the truth in order to protect the Party. She says, “Cautious Politician time. I’ve been there.”

So, how does the media react? Do the BLM folks explode in protest? Does Al Sharpton demand an apology?

Even if this was all a scripted skit meant to entertain, imagine the reaction if Trump, or Cruz, said it.

Register and vote against folks like these Liberals who value The Agenda over Truth.



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