In the most political manner possible Barack Hussein Obama promised not to be political as he pronounced the innocence of his former Sec. of State who willfully disregarded the law of the United States of America regarding the handling of classified information.

For starters, soon-to-be MISTER Obama put forth his unsupported opinion that Hillary did not jeopardize national security. Well, about that:

1. Executive Order 13526 and 18 U.S.C Sec. 793(f) of the federal code both clearly criminalize the transmission of classified information on a private, unsecured, network. Oops. Strike one.
2. Section 1236.22 of the 2009 National Archives and Records Administration clearly requires the exclusive use of “the appropriate agency record keeping system.” Mrs. Clinton’s wife’s email server was NOT an appropriate agency system. Ooops. Strike two.
3. The Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requires Bill’s wife to be forthcoming with information. She has willfully disregarded this law of the land, thus far with impunity. Oops. Strike three.

Then Obama contradicted his theory that Hillary did not jeopardize national security by offering a second unsupported opinion that she did not “intentionally” do so. (?).

It gets worse. Now Mrs. Soetoro’s boy, Barack Hussein, says Chelsea’s mom was “careless” in her handling of classified material. That is a crime in itself. Strike four.

It is the content, not the marking on the cover page, that makes material “sensitive”. Hillary claims she never mishandled anything marked “Classified”. Strike five.

Hillary says she only did what others before her did. Facts dispute that. No one prior to Hillary has used their own email server for State Department business. Besides, that defense is like saying “I’m not the first person to commit a crime!” Strike six.

That’s enough strikes to send two “normal” people to the showers. But not Hillary. She’s running for President, and people are supporting her!
[Thanks to Greg Jarrett at Fox News]

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