Laughter is good for the soul. LAFTA is bad for the Republic. Here are two current examples.

The U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.

Barack Hussein Obama’s Treasury Department just rewrote the tax code making it even more difficult for U.S. companies to escape the DOUBLE TAXATION on overseas earnings.

The Secretary of the Treasury has no power to change tax laws. Yet that’s exactly what he has done. According to the Constitution only Congress (who was [willingly?]omitted from this process) can write tax policy.

Also, Barack Hussein’s Labor Department has just published “The Fiduciary Rule” (1000 pages!) which will make it more expensive and less likely for low and middle-income Americans to save for the future.

This new “rule” was put in place even though the Secretary of Labor has no authority to regulate transactions between brokers and their retail clients, that authority is lawfully held only by the Securities Exchange Commission.

Both of these actions illustrate the Liberal Doctrine of executive-branch overreach coupled with congressional under-reach. Trampling The Constitution underfoot Obama continues to advance the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Communist plan to achieve the Fundamental Transformation of America.

Watch this Liberal pundit say the Constitution has no power in America…

Register and vote for candidates who oppose Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Communist ideology.
[Thanks to]



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