Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 08, 2016

“Not so great anymore. We are undergoing a fundamental transformation…
Russia added 153 nuclear warheads to their arsenal this year. We reduced ours by 57.
We are planning to cover illegal aliens with Social Security and Medicare.
We want to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees into America this year. The wait time has been reduced by 88%.
We get 2 Islamic immigrants for every 1 non-Islamic immigrant.
The E.U. is planning to require Visas for U.S. visitors.
We will soon have more annual debt than our total nation’s production.
A Socialist/Communist is in the running to be our new President.
A habitual liar is favored to win the Democrat primary.
Landlords are now being forced to rent to convicted felons.
The Attorney Generals of 16 states want to prosecute anyone who denies GW/CC.
Cars made in China are being sold here (by Cadillac, a company saved from bankruptcy by taxpayers).
The average family spends more on taxes than on food, clothing, and housing combined.
For 16 continuous months the number of factory orders has been declining.
Corporate earnings are down 8.5%.
Planned layoffs are up 32%.
Housing sales are down 7%.
Retail store closings are rampant.
51% of households earn less than $30,000/year.
There’s lots more, but am getting weary. Gotta go.”

Register and vote against Liberal/Progressive/Socialist candidates.



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