The Center for Union Facts says U.S. major labor unions donated $418M to the Democratic Party and left-wing groups between 2012-14.

Almost $150 million went to groups which promote the job-killing $15/hr. minimum wage.

Radical environmental groups received millions, as did left-wing media outlets including The Nation and In These Times.

Major recipients of union money were the Democratic Governors Association ($7.8M) and Catalist, a Liberal data firm described as Obama’s database for LAFTA, the Liberal Agenda for the Fundamental Transformation of America,($4.1M).

Anti-American multi-billionaire George Soros’ secretive network of liberal donors, called Democrat Alliance, received more than $2M!

The Clinton Foundation raked-in $1.3M.

Public employee unions are particularly parasitic. See the video…

Liberal Doctrine has long been joined-at-the-hip with labor unions.

Register and vote against supporters of Liberal/Socialist ideology.



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