After spending 15 of the last 23 years under Liberal administrations the following companies represent some of the many U.S. retailers who are closing stores:
Sears. Gamestop. Target. Several grocery retailers. Izod. McDonalds. The Gap. Radio Shack. J.C. Penney. Borders Books. Ambercrombie and Fitch. Aeropostale. American Eagle Outfitters.

The following companies have announced closure plans for specific stores:
Sports Authority. 140 stores.
Macys. 40 stores.
Walmart. 154 stores.

Many jobs are being lost every day. But all the labor unions donate heavily, and almost exclusively, to Democrats.

The number of people who want to work but can’t find a job is near 40% when you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed. [from Fortune magazine].

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