Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 27, 2015
DE-NI-ER-PHO-BIC (dee-nigh-err-fo’-bic) n., A person who manifests symptoms of a mental disorder triggered by anti-GW/CC expressions.
Folks at the denierphobic website The Guardian seem to think climate change is causing a rise in fatal shark attacks.
“In the first four months of this year, there were four fatal shark attacks worldwide, compared with one in the whole of 2007.”
Noted physicist Freeman Dyson discovered that reports of shark attacks deter people from visiting the beach. Thus, as the famous scientist’s calculations prove,for every shark attack report ten fewer people drown at the beach. So obviously shark attacks actually SAVE lives!
The Associated Press, staffed primarily by Denierphobic juournalists, reported in 2008:
“The price of beer is likely to rise in coming decades because climate change will hamper the production of a key grain.”
Economists have concluded that since nearly half the cost of beer is taxes the upward spiral in prices could be easily reversed by removing the government from the cost-equation!
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,a denierphobic stronghold, claims that 160,000 people die each years because of GW/CC.(Actually, an average of 30,000 weather-related deaths are recorded world-wide every year).
Reuters News Service, a bastion of denierphobic reporters, says:
315,000 people died due to GW/CC.” (Actually, an average of 30,000 weather-related deaths are recorded world-wide every year).
A think-tank led by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (and staffed by denierphobic eggheads) says that around 300,000 people die each year from disasters related to climate change. (Actually, an average of 30,000 weather-related deaths are recorded world-wide every year).
Since 1935 weather-related deaths have been reduced by 99.4%.