Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 10, 2015

Thus far it has been shown that the proper (Biblical) observation of the Christmas celebration is focused on the birth of a boy child. That child is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Immanuel.

No less important than who, or what, is where this wondrous event took place.

A young maiden named Mary, who, by a miraculous visit from God, now carries God’s Son in her womb. She is engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. Joseph has been visited by an angel who explained to him that what was happening to his wife-to-be was a miraculous act of God. Joseph agreed to continue with his plan to become Mary’s husband. This all happened in the region of Galilee, in the city of Nazareth. But the location was about to change.

Just as Syria is in the news today, so it was in the year 7B.C. A man named Cyrenius was governor of Syria when the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus decreed that the entire empire would be taxed. This meant everyone had to be in their own city. So Joseph took Mary and traveled to his home town of Bethlehem in the region of Judea. Also known as The City of David, or, Ephrath, or Zion, Bethlehem is the proper center of attention for a Christmas celebration.

An Old Testament prophet foretold many centuries earlier that this little town was special among all the thousands in Judah. Out of this little town was to come the Eternal Ruler of God’s people!

And so, by God’s divine direction, tiny little Bethlehem of Judea is about to become the birthplace of The Only Redeemer of God’s Elect!



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