Liberal newsmongers are honing their obfuscation skills on a Conservative candidate’s alleged idea to keep a written record of Muslim immigrants and refugees.(Don’t we keep a record of all legal immigrants and refugees already?).

What the candidate, Donald Trump, actually said was, “… letting Syrian refugees into the United States is a Trojan horse, plenty of problems are going to be caused. We are very, very foolish in this country and we have a lot of problems and the biggest problem is that we have no leader.”

Yahoo News quickly published an article saying that when Trump said,”We’re going to have to look at a lot of things.”, he was endorsing an Islamic registry.

The hounds of CNN jumped-in and asked The Donald if he advocated a database. Trump said he “never responded to that question” during the Yahoo News interview.

Now the scent of fresh scandal reaches the nose of NBC News, who asks Trump, “Should there should be a database to track Muslims?”
“We should have a lot of systems.” Trump responded, then went on to tout the importance of a strong border and a border wall.”I would certainly implement that. Absolutely.”

So, suddenly we have multiple accounts of Trump’s “endorsement” of a registry. Immediately a Liberal backlash is unleashed. Some stories actually say Trump originated the idea of a Muslim registry!

Hillary Clinton said, “Trump said he “absolutely” would require Muslim registration.This is shocking rhetoric. It should be denounced by all seeking to lead this country.”

Jeb Bush called the plan “abhorrent.”

George Pataki said, “The idea for a Muslim registry is as revolting as it is un-American.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (one of the pillars of individual freedom) condemned Trump for “Islamophobic and unconstitutional” comments.

Fact: Trump did not suggest a registry for Islamic immigrants and refugees. That was suggested by a member of the press. Trump has never stated his endorsement, or condemnation, of the idea.



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