Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 14, 2024
Happy Valentine’s Day America!
The barely functioning usurper President (#1) is continuing his role as the Democrat’s Useful Idiot in their three year campaign to weaken America in every way possible.
VPOTUS (#2) is holding steady in her “absolutely minimal participation” role while appearing randomly here and there to twerk, cackle, or utter some unintelligible word salad, and then slide-back into oblivion.
The Speaker of the House (#3) has just publicly stated that #1 is NOT physically qualified to continue in-office. Read that HERE.
Logic and experience says the Democrats must now scurry to replace #1 as their current candidate to occupy the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2025.
Former candidate Hillary Clinton has a well-proven technique for getting rid of political “barriers”. She also would be happy to finally become “Madam President”.
#2 will gladly take the promotion if offered, but she has no meaningful input (excuse the redundancy) regarding a solution to the Biden problem.
Another famous twerker, Michelle Obama, would be happy to fill her husband’s old office, and she probably has some workable solutions for the obstacle currently preventing it.
Undoubtedly there are many other hopefuls who would do ANYTHING to become the most powerful individual on Earth.
It’s beginning to look like the politics barrel has no bottom.
You can prepare for restoring the American Way of life after the November election– if you are qualified– by registering and voting AGAINST DEMOCRATS AND RINO’s!! P.S. Vote In-Person!
Choose your favorite by researching HERE .