Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 17, 2023
Scan the leading Big Media sources and you won’t see much about the Durham reports crushing death blow to the hoax that is called Russiagate.
If there is mention of the devastating report, if will be to downplay the impact.
The reality is this is bigger than Watergate! This is about an attempted coup by elected officials, by law enforcement, and by the DOJ at the highest level!
Banner headlines should be spread across page one of every paper.
Every news broadcast should be laser-focused on the impact of this historic moment.
Good luck finding truthful coverage of this on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS and the rest of the Big Media cartel.
The truth is easy to find. Just read the report itself… it is readily available. all 300+ pages!
Remember this period in history to tell you Grandkids. This is HUGE!!