Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 24, 2022

Most folks have come to understand that when the President visits certain gender and age-specific precautions are necessary. Specifically, young females need extra protection if they are anywhere near Hunter’s Dad.

Some staffers in a children’s hospital in D.C. apparently let-down their guard and Joebama found an opportunity to get touchy-feeley with a little girl seated on the floor listening to FLOTUS Jill reading aloud.

Observers say Biden seemed to have a laser-lock on one little girl and muttered audible remarks like, “You’re so cute little tyke!”, and “Oh yeah! She’s workin’ it anyway!”

Mid-story, Jill’s hubby rose, headed for his target, and made contact. There was nothing anyone could do.

Joe bypassed kids whose hair was lost to cancer treatment to get to his target. Even his Secret Service guards were unable to intercept him.

One wonders if a President has ever had a restraining order enforced upon them… or if it’s even possible.

Read more, and see video HERE.


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