Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 10, 2015
The general perception is that America’s debt is about $18T.
Number crunchers are saying it is actually closer to $70T.
Politicians, and the puppeteers controlling them, prefer the lower figure despite its departure from truth.
If you do not mention certain obligations when applying for a loan you can improve your chances of getting that loan. Of course that is a crime.
The US has “certain obligations”, like government employee pensions and health care; Social Security; commitments and contingencies, which are excluded from budget talks (aka loan applications).
Many economists believe the true income vs. outgo ratio for America is far worse than most believe.
The average US household annual income is $51,939.
The following video is almost an hour, but helps see this problem for what it is.
America’s money supply should be controlled by elected representatives of The People, not by a cartel of private companies. Disband the Federal Reserve System.