Any and all laws considered to be unfriendly to homosexuals have become top priority targets for activists now that the Supreme Court has legalized homosexual marriage.

Corporations like Apple,Dow, BASF, GE, HP, and United Airlines have joined the fight in Houston to pass Prop. 1 which would punish any business for refusing to provide its products or services to someone based upon that person’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).

Houston’s homosexual mayor has fought bitterly to pass the measure without the voter’s approval.But she lost and today the voters of Houston will vote on the matter.

The Proposition goes further than just forcing businesses, particularly family businesses, to accept and support the re-education of America. Prop.1 will allow anyone to use any public restroom simply by “identifying” with the sign on the door. The Proposition, like all similar ones, repeals the right of a business to refuse service on the basis that providing such service would offend their moral beliefs.

This is all part of the Liberal agenda to “fundamentally transform America.” –Barack Hussein Obama



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