Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 24, 2022

In the Wisconsin 2020 election proof has been made public that 107 identified individual “Ballot Traffickers” deposited fraudulent ballots in drop boxes in excess of 1000 separate events in locations around the state. These criminals delivered 107,000 bogus ballots in the two-week period leading-up to election day.

According to CNN Biden had 20,682 more votes than Trump in Wisconsin’s November 2020 election.

That means Biden would have lost by 86,318 votes in a fair election.

Why are the Republicans not letting the dogs out?

There is overwhelming, irrefutable, evidence that the election was stolen. The most inept lawyer could get a guilty verdict on this one.

The Republican party has zero interest in the fact that their candidates actually won the 2020 election, but were cheated-out of the victory given to them by American voters? They act as if nothing can, or should, be done about it… “Let’s just move forward to victory in 2022!”

It makes one wonder what the difference will be if there is a Red Wave in November. What real changes will it bring?

Do the Democrats and Republicans share an agenda?


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