Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 27, 2022

Joebama has finally taken decisive action regarding immigration control.

Plan B is now being executed because Commie LaHarris has refused her assignment to “fix” the border problem. The White House announced U.S. Border Patrol assets will be re-deployed to secure and maintain the massive increase in people coming into… wait for it... POLAND!

Many Ukrainians are fleeing their homeland into neighboring Poland. The massive influx has created a Chinese Fire Drill similar to the current one on the U.S./Mexico border.

Since the strategy in America is to just stay out of the way of incoming masses and to assist them in entering America and having all their needs met, there are many under-tasked security staff personnell available.

Since Joe caused the Russians to feel confident enough to invade Ukraine, he may feel somehow responsible for the exodus and is offering what he thinks is helpful.

POTUS 46 ponders the weighty questions of leading the free world.



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