Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 26, 2015
Don’t let the hectic pace of modern post-Christian America cause you to fall behind in awareness of the hardest to kill conspiracy theories. Remember, a theory is an explanation which has been neither proven or disproven. Here is a quick refresher on some that just won’t die:
— Martians, called the Anunnaki, came to Earth and taught the Sumerians how to duplicate the “pyramid-like” formations recently discovered by the Mars Rover. That’s how the great pyramids of Egypt came to be.
— The AIDS virus was injected into homosexuals and African-Americans back in 1978. The U.S. government actually created the virus in a lab and is trying to place the blame on Africa. The virus was created by the CIA to rid the country of homosexuals and African-Americans.
— Mary Magdalene was actually Mrs. Jesus Christ.The two were often seen kissing on the mouth. The Gospel of Philip (?) tells all about it.
— England’s Princess Diana was killed in a car crash deliberately caused by British Special Forces to stop Diana from revealing sordid details about the private life of her ex-husband Prince Charles.
— Either Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Francis Bacon or Sir Walter Raleigh actually wrote all of the literature attributed to William Shakespeare. William was an actor by trade.
— Modern, digital televisions are fitted with listening devices and video cameras so Big Brother can monitor both the efficiency of the subliminal messages with which they are constantly bombarding viewers, and simply keep an eye on us in the privacy of our homes.
–Many secret societies, like the Free Masons, and The Illuminati are pursuing their common goal of establishing a One World government. Their plan is to equalize the Earth’s population by weakening the strong and strengthening the weak. When we are all the same we will be easier to govern.
–Kennedy was not shot by a lone gunman. No one person could have fired all the shots in the amount of time involved. Also, not all the shots originated from the same point of origin. Either the KGB, the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, or LBJ most likely engineered the whole event.
— The Twin Towers were destroyed by the United States government to incite the American people to support an aggressive military attack upon certain Islamic people.
— Comedian Joan Rivers died under unusual circumstances. Her death came shortly after she claimed to have proof that Michelle Obama is a trans-sexual man.
— The “Moon landing” in 1969, was a staged Hollywood-style production meant to defeat the USSR in the space race. The technology needed to actually walk on the Moon and return did not exist at that time.
— Area 51, in Nevada, houses the remains of a flying saucer and the beings who flew it from another world. The government does not want the public to know we are not alone in the Universe.
— To gain more control over citizen’s way of life, promote more government restrictions on America’s free-market economy, and greatly increase tax revenue, the U.S. government created what the President calls “the “number-one problem in the world today”. First called “Global Warming”, the name was revised to “Climate Change”. Scientific investigation lends little, if any, support for the validity of the phenomenon.
— Jews directed the death of millions of other Jews, called “The Holocaust”, in WWII. It was done to set the stage for the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948. Public sentiment was manipulated to favor giving the “poor Jews” their own homeland.