Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 02, 2022

There is an old word currently being newly exercised by every Leftist in American politics and media.

Socialists, Oligarchs, Elitists, Communists, Democrats, Globalists, Media personalities, and coffee shop orators all have a new mantra, a new rallying cry.

Pay close attention these days and you will read and hear the urgent cry of concern for this newfound cause… “DEMOCRACY”.

Of course we all know the United States of America is not a Democracy. It is a Representative Republic.

A Democracy uses a system of voting-by-all to make decisions. Whichever person, or issue being considered wins or loses based upon the number of “Yea”, or “Yes” votes received. It is simply rule by the majority, often, rightly, called “tyranny of the majority”.

The citizens of a Representative Republic do not vote on specific issues, but on who they want to represent them in the decision-making process. We The People decide who will decide the issues. The idea here is that the issues are complex and require study to fully understand and decide intelligently. This is a full-time job.

The latest Liberal buzzword is noble sounding when used to impugn those who oppose their nefarious agenda. It gives the impression that their opponents are anti-American, the enemy! They are jousting at windmills.

Read more HERE.

America is in rough condition today. She is now being harmed by internal problems, but. . .
. . . she will recover. Register and vote legally. Vote against Democrats. Save America!


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