Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 31, 2022
From 2003 until 2005 Sen. Biden was busy doing everything he could to prevent a Black female from being appointed to a Federal judgeship. He filibustered her nomination and prevented a vote on her confirmation. Those who claim to know such things say the woman would most likely have gone-on to become the first Black woman SCOTUS judge. That story is HERE.
Now, 17 tears later, Brandon has announced his intention to do everything possible to get a woman-of-color confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court! The exact thing he fought against before.
It looks like Joey has morphed from having a race-based prejudice toward all non-Whites to a race-based prejudice against White females and all males. Thus he does not want a White female, and he does not want any male.
By the way, in what universe is it not racist and sexist to select a person based primarily
upon their race and gender?