Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 21, 2015
Certain cities in the U.S. have made themselves “Sanctuary Cities”.
They promise to protect illegal aliens from U.S.Immigration officers.
Did you notice both of the sentences above are about the U.S.?
We have cities insolently aiding and abetting law-breakers. Many dangerous criminals are finding refuge from deportation in these Liberal cities. Innocent citizens have been raped, robbed, and murdered by these hardened predators who are enjoying a target-rich environment here in America.
A bill to stop the practice by withholding federal dollars from such cities was voted on in the U.S. Senate yesterday. It needed to overcome a 60-vote threshold to pass.
Here is the result of that vote: (A “YEA” vote is to stop the practice. A “NAY” vote is to continue harboring criminals).
42 of the 44 Democrat Senators plus the 2 Independent Senators and 1 Republican Senator voted to continue the practice of harboring criminals in the name of “Immigration Reform”.
One Republican did not vote, and one voted “NAY”. The other 52 Republicans plus two Democrats voted to stop the practice.
Clearly the right thing to do here is to rid the nation of these criminals (illegal aliens, not Senators) by enforcing existing law. Isn’t disregard for the established Law called anarchy?
Again we see the how Liberals set aside common sense, the right thing, in favor of Obama’s agenda to “Fundamentally Transform America”.
[thanks to The Daily Signal] COMMENTS