1. How far can a person walk into the forest? 

  2. A dead man had no brother but was the brother of a beggar. Explain.

  3. Two Mothers and two Daughters go shopping. How can they divide 21 one-dollar bills evenly among themselves? 

  4. What is cast-out when in use and brought in when not?

  5. What runs but never walks; has a bed but never sleeps; has a head but no ears; and has a mouth but never talks?

  6. What happened in 1961 and will not happen again until 6009

    ANSWERS BELOW (Don’t cheat).

    1. Half way. After reaching the center of the forest they are walking OUT OF, not INTO.
    2. The dead man’s sister is a beggar.
    3. There are three in the group, a daughter, a mother, and a grandmother.Each gets $7.
    4. An anchor.
    5. A river.
    6. Both read the same upside down and backwards.



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