Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 29, 2021
America’s first experience at open warfare on U.S. soil is not going well for one side.
This war has two sides. Constitutional Patriots who want to conserve the Constitution, as originally written and its 27 amendments are under attack by Democrat/Socialist/Communists who want to “fundamentally transform America”.
The armies of the side that wants to transform America are assembled and activated. Not so for the Conservative side where the idea of armed conflict is thought to be inappropriate, irrelevant even.
160 years-ago, here in America, long-simmering tensions exploded into Civil War.
“War” is not too strong a word for conditions in America today.
Armed squads are using lethal force to attack and loot retail outlets. They encounter no resistance from local law enforcement as they destroy, terrorize, and steal at-will. Read actual accounts HERE, and HERE. Each of these are battles in a war.
These attacks are happening in Democrat-controlled cities where law enforcement has been weakened and subjected to disdain while political leaders refuse to provide defense. Democrat city leaders never speak against the attackers, in fact they forbid anyone to use derogatory language in talking about the perpetrators. They justify the criminal acts by saying the armed attackers are “frustrated youths who feel powerless to fight against America’s systemic racism”.
On a road map of history the fork in the road we are now at has a sign that reads, “Civil War This Way.”
The first shots have been fired in obedience to orders from Democrat “Political Generals” like Obama, Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi. They are enjoying one of warfare’s most powerful strategic advantages… the element of surprise.
Conservative “Generals” seem to think we are still playing by the rules of Law and Order.