Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 18, 2015
Individuals have different aptitudes and attitudes. Only totalitarian government can control the ability of individuals to participate in the economy. Some people prefer to be school teachers while others want to run corporations. In a free society income is set by individual choices.
Obama’s, Hillary’s, and Bernie Sanders’ entitlement politics works to redistribute wealth from the haves to the have-nots. To restrain a person from making a lot of money their freedom must be taken away.
72 percent of Black children, 53 percent of Hispanic children, and 40 percent of ALL American children are born into fatherless households. Most American mothers under 30 are not living with the fathers of their children. Herein is the driving need for Income Equality, for Entitlement Programs, and for the elimination of individual freedom.
Taking from wealth producers and redistributing to non-producers cannot be done when individuals are free to determine how much wealth they accumulate. That freedom must be surrendered for the greater good of Socialism.
Liberal doctrine is focused on Income Equality. Freedom is in the crosshairs.
[Thanks to George Will]