Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 16, 2015
A senior EU diplomat asked via Twitter, “How does your impeachment work? My government believes Obama is quite mentally unwell.”
Could it be that President Obama is crazy? Hmmm. After all, Putin did observe that Obama has “mush for brains!”
What are the chances of impeachment happening?
Impeachment isn’t a strictly legal process.Congress must initiate the process which could easily take more than the 16-months Obama has left to serve as President.
The House must declare the President unfit for office. Then the Senate must then agree and convict before the POTUS can be evicted from the White House.
Only two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have ever been impeached.
No president has ever been removed from office.
[Thanks to Michelle Jesse]Here is a representative piece showing Barack Hussein’s arrogance and the Liberal sycophants who gleefully encourage him in his effort to Fundamentally Transform America…