Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 15, 2015
Below is a list of some of the yet-to-be-answered scandals involving Hillary Clinton.
Why were none of these issues brought up in the recent debate? Why would someone not point out repeated, verifiable scandalous conduct on the part of one’s opponent in a debate? Why do all the candidates agree to pretend these scandals do not exist?
Wikileaks: As Sec. of State Hillary ordered illegal covert intelligence gathering on U.N. officials. Her signature is on the official order but she claims to have no knowledge of it.
Benghazi: As head of State Dept. she allowed numerous pleas for increased security in response to verified terrorist threats to be rejected or ignored. After the attack, which cost the lives of 4 Americans, she claimed it was not a terrorist attack but a spontaneous mob offended by a recently released American film. She later denied saying the event was caused by a film.
Private Email: In direct defiance of the Federal Records Act she used her own private (un-auditable and unsecured) Email for all State Department business during her tenure. This is tantamount to a second set of books where the true data is recorded away from the eyes of all others. The potential for great harm to the U.S. is very real and very frightening.
Sandy Berger: This fellow was convicted for the crime of stealing and destroying files which indicated Bill Clinton failed to contain terrorist activity during his administration. Hillary hired him as her personal advisor.
Haiti Mining: Hillary’s husband was a major fund raiser for Haiti and her brother is on the Board of the mining operation. This is a developing scandal which will very likely reveal corruption and influence peddling for personal monetary gain.
Clinton Foundation: Hillary interceded 6 times in federal matters involving private contributors.
2000 Senate Campaign: Hillary greatly under-reported a large contribution from Peter Paul. Such an act is punishable by several years in prison. She remains unscathed.
Liberal Doctrine knows no higher duty than to promote the agenda. Truth and Character are non-essential in the Liberal plan for the Socialization of America.