Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 26, 2015
Problem: Find the difference between 38 and 325.
Using traditional arithmetic Subtraction we have five steps: 1) In the Minuend (higher quantity) borrow 1 from the ten’s place and put it before the 5 in the one’s place making 15. 2) Subtracting the 8 in the Subtrahend (lower quantity) from 15 gives 7 for the one’s place in the Difference (aka the answer). 3) Borrow 1 from the Minuend hundred’s place and put it before the 1 in the ten’s place making 11. 4) Subtracting the 3 in the Subtrahend from 11 gives 8 for the ten’s place in the Difference. 5) Bring down the 2 for the hundred’s place in the answer [287].
Or, we can use 7 steps of traditional arithmetic Addition (?) in Common Core as illustrated in the following page from a CC text book:
1) add 22 to 38 getting 60. 2) add 60 to 40 getting 100. 3) add 200 to 100 getting 300. 4) add 25 to 300 getting 325. 5) add 2 to 60 getting 62. 6) add 200 to 62 getting 262. 7) add 25 to 262 getting 287 which is the answer.
If finding the Sum of quantities is the problem, CC has a way of doing that too. Watch the video: