Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 28, 2021

What better way to impede commerce and expand government control than to tax people for each mile they drive their personal transportation?

The Usurper Administration currently occupying Fort D.C. has expressed interest in an idea about how to fund the rebuilding of major cities that have eroded under constant Democrat rule for the last half-century… which was ramrodded through Congress under the guise of Covid relief.

Commie La Harris, aka POTUS 46, has nominated, and has been granted approval by Congress, Pete Buttigieg as Sec. of Transportation (shown below kissing his husband).

Read HERE about Pete’s indications that he thinks the idiotic idea of a per-mile tax on American drivers is a good one.

Chasten’s wife Peter wants you to pay to rebuild cities ruined by Democrat policies… like per-mile taxation!

UPDATE: 3/31/21 Buttigieg backtracks, says no per-mile tax being discussed | Disrn



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