Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 16, 2021

First, the story in a nutshell: During the November 2020 election Green Bay Wisconsin’s Mayor usurped the city Clerk’s lawful authority so the Zuckerberg-funded team could take over all ballot handling. This is a clear violation of the state’s election statutes. This is a crime.

The whole story is HERE for you. Remember, Wisconsin was a crucially important “swing” state where ballot manipulation could reap big rewards.

One member of Big Tech’s High Council, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, gave $1.6 million to the city. Mark is a big ($) supporter of Leftist ideology. With the money came a “mentor” to oversee the use of the funds. The mentor was some useful Democrat idiot.

The Mayor broke the law by giving the Mentor access to all the city’s absentee ballots!

Several state lawmakers have called for the Mayor’s resignation and a complete investigation of wrongdoing in the election..

(Until this story is shown, by facts, to be false it stands as proof that the Democrats broke the law in order to win the 2020 election.)



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