Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 06, 2021
The Democrats are all-in for a plan to throw money at the Covid19 debacle. He are six representative items from their proposal (which is about to be approved) for which you can try to find a suitable place in a plan meant to relieve suffering from a pandemic. Good luck.
- $350 billion to bail-out certain state and local governments [all dominated by Democrat administrations as seen in chart below.]
- $ 53 billion to insurance companies.
- $86 billion to bail-out certain [all mismanaged] labor union pension plans.
- $128 billion to the administration of schools [nothing for the students of schools]. $50 billion is unspent from previous plan].
- $480 million to help arts and Humanities.
- $100 million for Green New Deal projects [cow farting problems etc.]. That is a total of $617.6 billion tax dollars for things which cannot be justified as COVID related needs.
Thanks to AFP for this story.