Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2021

Hired thugs of Antifa and BLM have been plying their trade with minimal response from the news media and from law enforcement. Looting, burning, window breaking, assault and battery, etc. has gone unpunished in cities like Seattle and Portland for a long time. It’s almost like the city wanted the unrest to continue. But why would they want that?

Let’s say Leftist cities wanted violence in their streets as a way to illustrate President Trump’s incompetence as a leader. Then what would we expect when a new leader of their choosing replaced Trump? Obviously they would “call-off the dogs” which would cause the violence to subside (hopefully), and thus prove that Trump’s failed leadership was causing the turmoil, and now happy days are here again!

What has actually happened is the thugs have continued to riot. They apparently are ignoring the order to stand-down. If the violence under Trump was proof of his failed policies, then it follows that now Biden must be the cause of the ongoing destruction… right? Wrong! The cause of the rioting is now said to be the rioters themselves and will be met with a new response from city hall.

Seattle’s police chief said yesterday, “We will be prosecuting these crimes from now on. … “ Under Trump the crimes were not being vigorously prosecuted. Under Biden the same crimes will be vigorously prosecuted.

Clearly, the Democrats do not agree that justice is blind, uninfluenced by politics, equal for every person and situation. They believe justice is subservient to political expediency. Justice can be “moderated” to suit the party agenda.

Register now to vote in the 2022 midterm election. Vote to stop adaptable justice. Vote for …”liberty and justice for all”. Vote against Democrats!



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