Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 22, 2021
Sometimes numbers on their own, unaccompanied by lots of words, can speak volumes.
Here’s a number story about the City by the Bay, the one where Tony Bennet let his heart: 1964– last Republican Mayor. 699– residents dead from drug overdose in 2020. 235– residents dead from COVID19 in 2020. Confirm the facts HERE.
Just three numbers illustrate the result of uninterrupted Democrat leadership. In their 57 consecutive years running the city the Democrats have fashioned an environment where three times more people die from drug abuse than from a pandemic.
Funny how no Frisco businesses have ever been forced to close because of drug abuse.
Someone should tell the Speaker of the House, a Democrat, about this situation… in her hometown?
Maybe it’s time to give some folks other than Democrats a shot at running the city for a while.