Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 17, 2021
Conspiracy Theory: n. Any communication not consistent with the current government narrative.
Folks who express concerns about the safety of Covid19 vaccines are regarded as antigovernment “Conspiracy Theorists”. The official narrative is “We are from the government and we know what is best for you. Now come and get your shots!”
The problem is there is data suggesting that certain segments of the population may react badly to the Covid19 vaccine.
For example Norway has experienced 13 deaths and 16 serious vaccine reactions in their elderly population. Read more HERE.
About 30,000 Norwegians have been vaccinated. That means 1 in every 1,034 people have died from the shot and another 1 in every 1,085 of them have suffered serious problems. Latest STATISTICS show Norway has a deaths-per–million covid19 cases rate of 95. The current number of deaths-per-million-vaccinations is 433! That’s almost a five times higher death rate for vaccination side effects than for the virus itself!
The odds of elderly Norwegians surviving Covid19 are five times better if they do not get the vaccine.
Why are governments of the world in a hurry to get everyone vaccinated? Is there some priority above public safety? Hmm.