Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 07, 2020

Let’s take a quick glance at today’s news to learn something about how Democrats operate.

The voters of Minnesota elected a woman named Ilhan Omar to represent them in the U.S. Congress.

A devout Muslim, never without her head cover, Ilhan did much to help support a local political consulting company named E Street Group. The company received almost three million dollars from her campaign fund, and $635,000 in CCP Virus relief money from America’s taxpayers.

What has this to do with Democrat ethics? Well, E Street Group is co-owned by the man Ilhan left her husband for after an extra-marital affair. She married the man she had been cheating with.

Having been recently reelected by the voters of Minnesota, the happy couple is living happily ever after like good Socialist Elites enjoying the benefits of other people’s money.

All the facts HERE.

“This is the best job ever!” –Thoughts of Ilhan Omar?


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