Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 24, 2020

Once upon a time a ——- girl was dating a ——- male drug dealer who came to her apartment regularly.

The cops were on to the boyfriend and got a warrant to search the girls place. The warrant allowed them to forcefully enter the residence without knocking, but they chose to knock and announce “Police” before busting the door. All three cops were ——.

The boyfriend said he thought the commotion was someone trying to break-in so he shot through the door seriously wounding one of the policemen on the other side.

The police returned a volley of shots none of which hit the drug dealer, but the girlfriend was hit by several bullets and died on the scene.

A Grand Jury ruled that the shooting was consistent with police policy and no guilty verdicts were pronounced, with one exception for one officer who was found guilty of wanton endangerment because several of his bullets went into an occupied neighboring apartment but did not hit anyone. That officer was fired.

The city has agreed to pay the girl’s family $12,000,000, and to add more reforms to their police procedures.

Many ——– people around the nation were joined by ——– people who sympathize with ——– people and they are rioting, looting, and shooting policemen to protest the injustice. They are all members of a group called ——– Lives Matter.

The moral of the story is … uh.. ——— if I know.

The unredacted version is available HERE.



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