Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 08, 2020

The Democrats had to deal with a disabled candidate in the last Presidential election. Hillary was showing signs of deterioration. The handlers minimized her public appearances and tried to ride-out the storm. They lost.

In today’s 2020 Presidential election the Democrats are scurrying to solve the same problem they had four years ago… a disabled candidate.

Rumor has it the Left has a modified disaster plan this time. They are preparing for losing the election but challenging the result by claiming mail-in votes have not been counted. The delay in the announcement of a winner will take us beyond the official date for the new POTUS/VPOTUS to be sworn-in, January 21, 2021. In such a circumstance, the law states that the Speaker of the House (Pelosi) becomes POTUS 46 on Inauguration Day!

This explains the Democrat’s massive advertising campaign to convince voters to stay home and vote by mailing-in the ballot which they received in the mail.

The scenario just described is clever because who better than the U.S. Postal Service for the job of being agonizingly slow, completely unaccountable, and staggeringly inefficient? It will be easy for votes from dead people, illegal alien residents, and from people’s pets [Google it] to be counted as legitimate votes.

Read more HERE.

Register. Go bodily to the polling place… and vote against Democrats!


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