Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 06, 2020

Look at the following ranked list of the top nine causes of DAILY deaths in the United States.

Heart problems 1,740

Cancer 1,638

Accidents 442

Lower Respiratory problems 423

Stroke 389

Alzheimers 318

Diabetes 219

Influenza 141

Kidney problems 137

Way, way, further down on the list of causes of death PER DAY is the number 51. That number belongs to Covid19 (based upon the number of non-comorbidity deaths reported by the CDC during the 222 days from January 21 to today. )

Every day 5,310 Americans die from one of the top nine causes, NONE of which has ever prompted the paralyzing of our great nation. Yet the number 51 has triggered the catastrophic , unprecedented shutdown of our entire nation.

Something is rotten in the U.S.A.

Someone’s feeding us bad information.



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