Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 03, 2020
In developing countries, aka third-world nations, politicians have trouble getting life insurance.
In places where folks don’t have much input in the political system– because they are too busy trying to survive– the common solution for disagreeable performance by a politician is simply to kill the offender.
The United States of America is not such a country, right?. . . right?. . .
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is a high-level politician who often performs disagreeably in the eyes of Leftists. Let’s look at his recent history by way of comparison to a politician’s life in Haiti, or Uganda.
Not long ago Sen. Paul was shot at by a Sanders supporter while playing softball. . . then the Senator was beaten savagely by a neighbor who is loyal to the Democratic party. . . then Sen. Paul was walking with his wife to his hotel in Washington D.C. after the Republican National Convention when a mob attacked with great violence. The Senator and his wife were narrowly rescued from serious harm, even death, by local police.
Doesn’t that sound like the life of a third-world politician?
Register and vote against Democrat candidates at every level. Civility has been cast-aside by the Democrats. The rule of law is being abused, if not ignored, by Leftist influencers who keep silent about the sort of behavior exhibited against Senator Paul. Their silence encourages more violence.