Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 21, 2020

The time for presumption is over. America has been told one of the two things they most want to know about the Democrat plan for America.

The one mystery the party bosses have solved is who, officially, will be the candidates. Drumroll please… why it’s Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! [crickets, yawning, channel changing.]

The one remaining secret being kept by the Democrats has to do with their plan to prevent reversal of all the improvements made since January of 2016. Stay tuned, who knows, maybe they will actually reveal some facts about exactly will be done in the upcoming debates. Let’s watch!

If the Democrats win in November this Jamaican woman, who’s most influential role model was her slave-owning Grandpa, will be VPOTUS
And, if the Democrats win, this role model Grandpa, seen here putting a lip-lock on his Granddaughter, will get the nuclear launch codes!

Yep! That’s the ticket. Now go register and VOTE REPUBLICAN!



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