Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 30, 2020

Q: Is it normal in a free society for folks who do not agree with a particular position or philosophy to be ostracized?

A: No! By no definition of a free society can coerced, mandatory support be a requirement.

At the U. of Illinois, a state (tax $) run institution, an on-campus branch of The Federalist Society has been told that if they continue to withhold vocal support for the Marxist, Soros funded domestic terrorist group Black Lives Matter , they will no longer be allowed to co-sponsor events with many other on-campus groups, and “ties will be cut”.

This is not an attempt to deny First Amendment rights, but to coerce exercise of those rights in support of what is actually not supported.

By the way, the national leadership of the Federalist Society forbids local chapters from making public statements of the nature being demanded by the U. of Illinois. Read more HERE.



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