Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 06, 2020

There is a smelly, rotten tactic in Big Party D.C. politics. It, and its cumulative effects are known as The Swamp.

The Swamp folks are very likely behind the vote counting SNAFU in Iowa.

One candidate on the Democrat roster is named Sanders, Bernie to his friends (which does NOT include the DNC or Hillary Clinton.)

The Democrat machine does not want Sanders to be their man to go up against the incumbent President in November because they don’t think he has the best chance of winning that election. Who they want is not real clear yet, but it is not Bernie.

What’s weird about this is that the Sanders people have been polling Iowa Democrats for a long time leading-up to Tuesday night’s debacle. Reliable predictions indicated a very likely win for Sanders. So what went wrong?

Hmm. Do you smell something swampy?

These folks want to run our nation?



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