The general perception is that America’s debt is about $18T. Number crunchers are saying it is actually closer to $70T. Politicians, and the puppeteers controlling them, prefer the lower figure despite its departure from truth. If you do not mention certain obligations when applying for a loan you can improve your chances of getting that […]


25,000 more people are (again) without healthcare coverage after signing-up for what Liberal Doctrine said would be the solution to the problem of being without health care coverage. Since the program is continuing to disintegrate in an agonizing process of self-destruction Barack Hussein Obama probably would prefer that it no longer be called “Obamacare”. Maybe […]



Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 09, 2015


The attorney general of New York is investigating Exxon because it might disagree with a scientific theory. The AG, driven by Liberal Globalist Doctrine, also has an inquisition going against America’s largest coal-based energy company, Peabody Energy. The Heritage Foundation’s Nicolas Loris points out, “Flaws discovered in the scientific assessment of climate change have shown […]


60% of Houston voters said “NO” to letting people use whichever bathroom matches their preferred sexual identity at the time of need. Immediately cries of “HATRED”, or “NOW WE’LL LOSE CONVENTION BUSINESS AND EVEN THE SUPER BOWL!”, or “THIS WILL CAUSE SUICIDES!” erupted in the local and national press. By the way, 41% of trans-sexual […]


FACT: The reason for existence for ISIS is to wage global Jihad, thus their battlecry, “Convert or Die!” Why do we Americans read and hear so little about the existence and reality of global Jihad today? Why does the government’s explanation of terrorism never mention global Jihad? Why does the Washington narrative on ISIS never […]


FACT 1: On January 22nd, 2009, Hillary Clinton signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) binding her to protect classified information and confirming her understanding that failure to do so is criminal conduct and subject to prosecution. That signed agreement is a matter of public record. FACT 2: While serving as Sec. of State Hillary Clinton did, […]


First, the verified facts: “Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit. In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer. He was […]


The following is a page from a booklet published in 1991 by Obama’s literary agent. The opening paragraph states, “Barack Obama, the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii…” If his birth records are valid and he was NOT born in Kenya, why […]


“It is not in the National Security interest of the United States to have an anti-American, communist dictatorship 90 miles from our shores. And that’s what they are, they are an Anti-American communist dictatorship that constantly lines up against America and against our best interests, and is constantly aligned with the worst elements in the […]



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