The current administration, and those politically affiliated candidates hoping to replace it, are all reluctant to say anything which might portray Islam as anything other than a peaceful religion. They are wrong. A word is defined as: “One or more expressed sounds, or the graphic representation of those sounds, that functions as the principal carrier […]


“… an Iraqi army was left [after the US withdrawal] that was prepared to defend Iraq. Unfortunately, Nouri al-Maliki set about decimating it.” —Hillary Clinton Hmmm. She was Sec. of State when her boss (Obama) concluded Maliki was the man for the job. “Climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism.” –Bernie Sanders […]


Sign this petition: I Pledge to Vote for a Pro-Life Candidate for President Petition | GoPetition


“All the news that’s fit to print” apparently includes the following quote from a recent issue of the NYT: “The obesity rate for those ages 2 to 19 is at 17%, the same as 2003-04. It is more than encouraging to see that childhood obesity rates are no longer rising,“— Debra Eschmeyer, executive director of […]


An on-air broadcast of ABC’s Good Morning America TV show on Friday brought the good news from America’s Chief Executive: “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them,’ Obama said , ‘They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, […]


The Liberal blog SALON posted their assessment of the cause of 128 innocent people being slaughtered mercilessly by Jihadist maniacs. Their conclusion was reached before the body count was complete. So, who is at fault? Did some American make an offensive video? Not this time. Conservatives and their “incessant violent rhetoric” are behind it all […]


It’s harvest time for all the Socialist planting that’s been done over the last 20+ years. Anyone, including university presidents, who opposes the new “Safe Place” standard is now targeted for removal by student protests. George Soros is leading the financing of nationwide campus protests. He’s telling the kids they have a right to free […]


Adding more weight to the dementia theory Hillary stated publicly that she tried to sign-up for the Marine Corps back in the 70’s (see photo) but the recruiter was neither responsive, nor encouraging. CNN News said they cannot get Hillary’s camp to clarify the facts about her strange sounding claim. Maybe Mrs. Clinton is trying […]


Bacon and eggs? Shame on you! Steak and baked potato? Ecoterrorist! Despite GW/CC being a non-issue with respect to science, certain organizations continue to pursue the political aspect of the myth. Add meat to the ever-growing list of causes of Imaginary Warming.(Go to MENU then search “global warming” and scroll to April 19,2015 for a comprehensive […]



Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 10, 2015

Soldiers of the Liberal Doctrine Brigade, like Barack Hussein Obama for example, set us up to believe they cannot possibly do anything more to bring about the “fundamental transformation of America”. Then, they do something more to bring about the fundamental transformation of America. For whatever reason America has an opening for a new Border […]



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