Traditional Marriage: One male human wed to one female human. Evolution One Marriage: One male human wed to one male human, or, one female human wed to one female human. Coming Soon: “One” can become some other number, “male or female” can become some other identification, and “Human” can become some other species. Quantities and […]


There is a new philosophy in town. It deals with every aspect of human life. Here is the outline of the attitudes it demands from followers regarding human sexuality: a. Obsession with sexual and gender roles. b. Passionate celebration of nontraditional sex roles and preferences. c. The compulsion to define individuals by their “sexual preference” […]


An audio tape purported to be the actual exchanges in the first Democrat Presidential Debate has surfaced. This actual snappy patter was thought to be unflattering for the participants and the party in general, so a voice-over track was made and overdubbed prior to the “live” broadcast. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chairmanette, who some […]


Obama just spent another $120 million to shore-up a struggling solar energy boondoggle. The $2.2 billion Ivanpah Solar project in the Mojave desert, already the beneficiary of 1.6 billion Energy Department dollars, and a $539 million grant from the Treasury Department, has been shown to be producing twice the carbon emissions allowed by Obama’s Cap-and-Trade […]


Congressional Republicans say they won’t hesitate to charge Hillary with criminal wrongdoing if she’s holding-out on them about Benghazi emails. Committee members are not at all sure they have every email about Benghazi. Now there is talk of a separate investigation into illegal money ($250 million) matters involving Hillary’s (Bill’s and Chelsea’s) Clinton Foundation while […]


There is a new addition to the long list of Liberal myths, similar to, and much more alarming than “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” The latest story says that pumpkins add to the most serious threat America faces today, bigger than ISIS, $18 trillion dollar national debt , military strength […]


Imagine  negotiating the household budget for the family… Hubby says,”For every dollar you budget for food, clothing, utilities, and the mortgage, I get to budget a dollar for fishing and hunting stuff!” Wife says, “Have you lost your mind?” Now, change the scene to Washington D.C. Hubby becomes Obama/Boehner, and wife becomes the House of […]


Again we see that the word “Republican” does not mean the same as “Conservative”. More and more GOP is evolving to mean Government Over People. A tentative 2-year budget deal has been scored. It will feed America’s addiction for the time being. In a nutshell, here it is: Spending? Increase. Budget Caps? Cancel. Sequester? End. […]


If polls were perfect: Romney would be President today. The 2004 election would have been a draw. Gore would have beat Bush in 2000. (Gore was predicted to lose the popular vote.He won the popular vote but lost the Electoral vote. Ford would have been victorious over Carter in 1976. Dewey would have won over […]



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