Media Frenzy Creates Virtual Time Warp!

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 23, 2015

Anyone even casually perusing news sources will likely get the impression that Barack Hussein Obama’s replacement will be taking office in the very near future. Reality Check: THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WILL TAKE OFFICE IN 637 DAYS. 


What less appropriate way for the Liberal spokesman/dancer from the GWCC (global warming/climate change) pep squad to worship at the altar of Carbon Emissions Reduction than a fun trip aboard an 833,000 lb gas-guzzler hurtling thru the air at 500 mph while burning 60-gallons of carbon based jet fuel every mile? Mother’s Day is coming […]


Liberal doctrine is guiding the two people who can make the final Benghazi report happen before the year ends. Trey Gowdy, committee chairman, said Barack Hussein Obama and/or John Kerry could easily order the State Dept. to stop lollygagging and comply with the committee’s requests for documents. Then the committee could complete and release the […]


Q: What is the mission of the carrier task force now steaming toward Yemen? A: “To maintain open shipping lanes.” –White House spokesperson. A: “To monitor a convoy of ships carrying weapons to hostile forces in Yemen.” –Pentagon spokesman. The White House seems to be reluctant to oppose Iran’s efforts to supply arms to enemies […]


Bald Eagle Redux? more like Reduced

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 21, 2015

The government published its 2014 itemized list of living creatures which became dead creatures as a result of USDA operations throughout the year. Since this blog’s mascot (above) is a beleaguered-looking bald eagle showing symptoms of Liberal Stress Disorder (LSD), we were sorry to learn that 3 of our national birds succumbed to “unintentional” […]


Two sitting justices have officiated at same-sex weddings. If they choose to sit in judgment no one can stop them. Only the justices themselves can choose to step aside.Ginsburg and Kagan are ardent supporters of full civil rights for same-sex marriages. *select MENU and open THE LIST to decipher the numbers.


Unions are among the largest political contributors. Very rarely do they pump cash into any coffers other than Liberals. According to “Union bosses known for bashing the rich are often millionaires themselves…Union president Terry O’Sullivan, who was paid $670,403 in 2014, slammed Charles and David Koch and other critics of big government in a […]


Answers to Group 2 questions: [stop here and go take the quiz if you haven’t done so] 1. one nickel and one half-dollar. The phrase, “both coins are not nickels.” seems to say neither coin is a nickel but that is not what it says. If it had been worded in an honest, non-devious way […]


Just a few minutes and you can learn your political identity.


It looked like Barack Hussein Obama was thwarted in his attempt to make foreign relations policy on his own, but maybe not. Andrew McCarthy of the National Review says there is no constitution power in the bill. “… the Constitution puts the onus on the president to find 67 Senate votes to approve an international […]



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