According to a current headline in The Babylon Bee-Fake News You Can Trust- the two astronauts currently stranded in space have asked for a brief delay in the rescue effort to allow them to decide if they want to return to Earth or not.

Stranded Astronauts Ask If Rescue Decision Can Be Delayed Until After Election.”



Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 27, 2024


An esteemed member of the Progressive entertainment cadre has publicly stated, in five simple statements, how the Democrats are implementing their evil agenda for America’s school-age kids. Like to read it?… Here it goes…

1. Leftists develop harmful curricula under the guise of inclusivity.

2. They teach children that heterosexuality is in the SAME category as “PATRIARCHY, SEXISM and RACISM!”

3. They convince children that it’s “cool” to question your sexuality and disregard your gender!

4. These harmful ideas are repeatedly driven into the impressionable minds of children over and over again. The children NORMALIZE everything they are taught.

5. The rest of the Left turns a blind eye and “pretends it’s cool in order to keep [their] Liberal ID card.”  

Who offered this condemnation of Leftist malfeasance?… Bill Maher!


Read it for yourself HERE. Government sponsored media is pushing a narraitive that says open borders and the ongoing invasion of illegal aliens IS GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY!!


A sick, fat, depressed, addicted child is profitable for the system.



Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 30, 2024

There is more to this event than one might think. Read the article by John Haughey at The Epoch Times to get an idea of what is involved in this disaster.


Those who regularly get the information they want about how our nation is doing from the Washington Post newspaper must agree with the following quote from a recent edition.

“Responsible reporting should not cover for Republicans. The MAGA Republican Party has become shockingly irrational and radicalized, fully embracing totalitarianism, white nationalism and radical isolationism. America is divided not by some free-floating condition of ‘polarization’ but by one party going off the deep end.” —Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin

The MAGA folks of America are gravely concerned that the Democrats of America are destroying the nation.

What does “MAGA” actually stand for? “Make” means to cause something to become real. “America” means The United States of America. “Great” means a superlative example. “Again” means that which was real but ceased to be for a while and has now been made real once more.

What is it that the MAGA folks want to become real again? If you don’t know what that is you should find out from someone who supports it and believes in it.


More Killed Than Saved By CCP Virus Shots

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 14, 2024

More Covid cases end in death when the infected person chooses to receive the mRNA vaccine.

Read the facts HERE.


Emperor’s New Clothes Parody Today

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 07, 2024

Usurper President Joebama will dazzle America later today with a glowing report detailing just how magnificent a job he has been doing piloting our nation through the treacherous waters of the Conservative’s endless assault on Democracy.

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) has offered ten questions which should be answered by POTUS 46, if his presentation is thorough and factual.

Here are the questions…

For Immediate Release  Contact: Matthew Tragesser March 7, 2024 Congressman Biggs: To Give the True State of the Union, Joe Biden Must Answer These 10 Questions  Today, Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) is demanding that President Joe Biden answer 10 pressing questions at the 2024 State of the Union Address this evening. Congressman Biggs’s questions are below:

1) Why did you call into a meeting of Russian investors with your son?

2) Why were you involved with Hunter Biden’s interests in China?

3) Why do you refuse to enforce Title 8 at the southern border?

4) Why did you leave $80 billion of our military equipment in Afghanistan?

5) Why do you support the terrorist group Hamas?

6) Why haven’t you apologized to the family of Laken Riley?

7) Why are you declaring a war on American energy?

8) Why do you condone a two-tier justice system?

9)  Is it true that federal prisons are abusing and torturing J6 prisoners?

10) Why are you refusing to take a cognitive exam?  Visuals of these questions may be found here
Biggs Press | Congressman Andy Biggs
252 Cannon House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2635

Joebama admits that he has created more that 300K illegal aliens by flying them from Mexico to various U.S. airports where they are met with concierge service for their “stay” in America.

Read all about it HERE, then go register to vote if you qualify. Vote against Democrats and RINOs



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